‘God’s Own Country’ is a Must Watch for Fans of ‘Call Me By Your Name’
'God's Own Country' is a cinematic masterpiece that needs to be experienced as the beautiful love story between a gay couple passionately charms....
It is Time to Take Netflix Seriously as a Hollywood Filmmaking Studio
Netflix has proven itself to be a top contender time and again - so it is time to take Netflix seriously as an A-List Hollywood studio....
2021 Academy Awards List of New Rules/Regulations – Netflix’s Golden Era?
2021 Academy Awards rules have now been changed due to theater closures during the coronavirus related lockdown. Is this the golden era for streaming?...
Brad Pitt Trending: Why I Am Ecstatic for All the Love From Fans
Brad Pitt trending for good reasons as 2019 is his year, understands fame's responsibility, two more great performances and a fun introduction to the man that is Brad Pitt....
After ‘Parasite’ from Bong Joon-Ho, What Should You Watch? A Look into his Underappreciated Work
Spotlight on Bong Joon-Ho's films from Memories of Murder to Okja, Here is a quick rundown of Bong’s best work and where you can watch it!...
Video: Life Lessons From Oscar Winner Joaquin Phoenix’s ‘Joker’ to Remove Stigma From Mental Health Issues
Cinematic depictions of mental illness play an integral role in the way society views those who suffer from these afflictions....
‘Parasite’ Makes Cinematic History And List of Previous Foreign Films Nominated for an Oscar in the Best Picture Category Since First Time in 1938
International movies have achieved the nomination for Best Picture, at least eleven times before Parasite. Let’s take a look back and explore them....
All The Best Picture Nominees Ranked From Least Likely to Most Likely to Win the Oscars: Predictions & Personal Choices
An explanation on each of the films and no matter what happens on Sunday, I hope many, if not all of these nine films, will live on in history....
Will the Diversity in Victory of Oscars 2019 – 91st Academy Award Winners Ever Be Repeated?
The movement for diversity and inclusivity has to recognize these moments of victory so that we can use is it and stop making it look like an impossibility....
It is Time to Re-Define “Oscar-Worthy” as Oscars Needs To Stop Awarding Popularity & Box-Office Success and Focus on Talent and Prestige
Instead of feeling restricted by precedent, the Academy should want to break away and celebrate a wide-range of performances and genres....
Video: Meet the Oscars 2020 Nominees and View the Performances That Won Them Their Nominations + Complete List
Hollywood Insider gives audiences a chance to get an in-depth look into the performances and carefully selected highlights from nominees....
‘Parasite’, Bong Joon-ho’s Unstoppable Globally Acclaimed Phenomenon Proves that Foreign Films are Excelling in Hollywood
He has not only broken the one-inch tall barrier of subtitles, he has broken all records while winning accolades all over Hollywood....