The Power of Nonverbal Language: The Triplets of Belleville and Other Wordless Animations
Why is it sometimes a single action or facial expression can convey all of the world’s pain? Like in wordless animations such as Triplets of Belleville....
Celebrities and Their Incredibly Charity Work
Here are some of our world’s most pressing issues and the celebrities joining the fight to help stop them - charity is important....
A Tribute to The Second City and Its History
The ultimate school of comedy launching some of the greatest performers of all time, The Second City has left an incredible mark in entertainment history....
Shakespeare in Film: The Great Playwright’s Influence on Movies
Whether or not you believe fringe theories that question the authorship of Shakespeare’s plays, the effect his plays on literature and film is unquestionable. ...
Part 3 of 3 Perspectives on the Zack Snyder Cut ‘Justice League’ Is A Treat For Fans
Snyder cut undeniably improved comic-book extravaganza gives fans what want, even if it may alienate the wider audience....
Part 2 of 3 Perspectives on Zack Snyder’s ‘Justice League’: Second Time’s the Charm
Snyder’s long-awaited cut of ‘Justice League’ is filled with pure artistic power and passion even during the flawed moments ...
Part 1 of 3 Perspectives on ‘Zack Snyder’s Justice League’: The Long-Awaited “Snyder Cut” Fixes Everything Wrong With ‘Justice League’
#FreeTheSnyderCut has finally paid off, with 'Zack Snyder’s Justice League’ being released on HBO Max. Does it actually improve on the original?...
Food and Asian Cinema: In-Depth Look at How Asian Storytellers Use Cuisine to Tell Stories About Love and Family
Since the birth of Asian cinema, there has been a large focus on food, family, and the ties that bind us together....
The Under-Appreciation of Screenwriters and Scripts – Why Hollywood Needs To Show Respect
Rarely are they present for press tours, or seen during interviews, yet the architect of every film: the screenwriters....
Six Times Actors Broke Stereotype and Played an Unexpected Role
Here are six times that actors broke out of their stereotype and expected range, genre, or character type by playing unexpected roles....
Guns, Muscles, and Kung Fu – The 1980s and the Birth of the “Action Movie” and “Action Hero”
Action has always been an important element of cinema, but the 1980s saw the rise of a particular kind of action movie - a look at the rise of the beefcake. ...
Queerbaiting: Our Life Is Not Yours to Profit From | An Anaylsis
An analysis on queerbaiting from some of the most infamous television shows and films....