In a variety of ways, films have made an impact on us as people, for the better and the worse; let’s take a look at just how Cinema has exactly influenced us.
We as humans have a myriad of ways of changing the world, and one of these ways focuses on impacting our world through means of works of art. Specifically, in this case, the works of art of Cinema. Through its wondrous use of writing, acting performances, and all-around fantastic directing, films have endless amounts of opportunities to impact their audiences. And through these opportunities, it has simultaneously changed society for the better and the worst as we’ve indulged our minds into these brand new worlds.
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The Beneficial Cinematic Escapism
Ultimately, it is a fair assumption that film has more of a positive influential impact on society compared to more of a renegade-Esque influence. These types of films have largely affected us as people in a way that another type of medium possibly couldn’t have done; overall showing how Cinema can truly have the power to change or destroy us. It may be a debatable philosophical stand-point that media can truly be one of the sole reasons an individual will change their lifestyles (and general mindsets), but from what we’ve seen in changes of society after these films have been released shows a promising trend of films being one of the causes. In regards to the mainstream, many of these films tend to track our attention towards American films; and those films have really been something else.
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American films that come to mind when discussing the positive impact made on society generally gravitate towards such films like ‘Philadelphia’ which greatly impacted society’s attitude towards the gay community through challenging audiences to look through the HIV/AIDS epidemic from a different perspective, ‘The Thin Blue Line’ grabbed the media’s attention through how a man’s wrongly accused death sentence twisted into him getting out of jail due to showing his innocence, and ‘Bambi’ lowered the rates of hunters killing deers, nationally becoming an animal rights symbol. On top of this, we’ve also had recent examples such as ‘First Reformed’ which brings up the issue of climate change and how the people who feel as though they can change it feel hopeless at the same time and ‘Boy Erased’ influencing individuals to fight more for denouncing the practice of gay conversion.
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It is with these films as examples that we as film-watchers can get a strong idea as to how Cinema can impact us as people. There have been lives saved, more positive attitudes towards marginalized communities, and bringing out the good in people that we always knew was within them. Of course, there are so many more films that we could bring up in the realm of positive impact on society; and it’s absolutely worth giving credit to them. It isn’t an easy feat to create a work of art that encourages audiences to change their state of mind or even their lifestyle, but it’s something that deserves to be recognized and remembered for.
The Dark Abyss Of Cinematic Escapism
Of course, there are always two different sides to nearly everything; and films are no exception. Because darker films tend to influence audiences in a more sinister manner, it proves that Cinema is a double-edged sword. This isn’t to discredit how, in some odd sense, films remain works of art in their own right.
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An example of a rather disturbingly impactful film includes ‘A Clockwork Orange’, which preceded an uprise in crime rates in America soon after its release.‘The Wolf of Wall Street’, in the same realm, as well through the main character not truly caring about anything other than his career, possibly influencing some audience members to do the same. But, there is one film that is really the nail in the coffin on the topic of dark influential films: ‘The Birth of a Nation’.
‘The Birth of a Nation’ gets credit for being regarded as prominent in Cinema history, mainly by being the first film to be screened at the White House and drawing attention towards political propaganda in its three-hour runtime. However, it was also through this propaganda that there became something much more horrendous for its viewers. ‘The Birth of a Nation’ brought upon a power of progressing the KKK to become even more prominent within America than before. After the film, a rise of far-right individuals had joined the group; leading towards a high statistical rate of the number of members in the 1920s. For this reason, ‘The Birth of a Nation’ becomes a prime example of how Cinema can tear down progressivity in our society; and possibly make things worse than before.
In A World Far, Far Away
To make things fair, however, films are still works of art; no matter how they’ve exactly impacted society. Works of art always deserve credit for what they’ve accomplished, and making films tends to be tedious and daring projects when true love is being put into making them. The impact films have had on us as a society spans far beyond our own country; and within the human condition, we are influenced by the actions we see from others. Since the world’s earliest surviving film (‘Roundhay Garden Scene’) in 1888, opportunities have been given to us as individuals to go out there and make something great with the new technologies we’ve developed.
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In the end, it’s a fantastic and magical experience to go into the world of Cinema and have a sense of escapism. And, it’s even more wonderful to watch something that’s impacted society (or even the world) and get to see the work of art that’s influenced us into the society we are in today. We’re always on the edge of our seats wondering what film will come out next that could impact us further, but that’s what makes Cinema incredible. It is something that will always feature an element of surprise to us, no matter what twists and turns it takes to get there.
By Leah Donato
Click here to read The Hollywood Insider’s CEO Pritan Ambroase’s love letter to Cinema, TV and Media. An excerpt from the love letter: The Hollywood Insider’s CEO/editor-in-chief Pritan Ambroase affirms, “We have the space and time for all your stories, no matter who/what/where you are. Media/Cinema/TV have a responsibility to better the world and The Hollywood Insider will continue to do so. Talent, diversity and authenticity matter in Cinema/TV, media and storytelling. In fact, I reckon that we should announce “talent-diversity-authenticity-storytelling-Cinema-Oscars-Academy-Awards” as synonyms of each other. We show respect to talent and stories regardless of their skin color, race, gender, sexuality, religion, nationality, etc., thus allowing authenticity into this system just by something as simple as accepting and showing respect to the human species’ factual diversity. We become greater just by respecting and appreciating talent in all its shapes, sizes, and forms. Award winners, which includes nominees, must be chosen on the greatness of their talent ALONE.
I am sure I am speaking for a multitude of Cinema lovers all over the world when I speak of the following sentiments that this medium of art has blessed me with. Cinema taught me about our world, at times in English and at times through the beautiful one-inch bar of subtitles. I learned from the stories in the global movies that we are all alike across all borders. Remember that one of the best symbols of many great civilizations and their prosperity has been the art they have left behind. This art can be in the form of paintings, sculptures, architecture, writings, inventions, etc. For our modern society, Cinema happens to be one of them. Cinema is more than just a form of entertainment, it is an integral part of society. I love the world uniting, be it for Cinema, TV, media, art, fashion, sport, etc. Please keep this going full speed.”
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