Photo: Johnny Depp/Tania Volobueva/Shutterstock Johnny Depp is an American actor, producer, and musician, well known by families across the world for his eccentric behavior and widely successful movies. His most iconic of roles include his recurring protagonist in...
Photo: ARRAY Now Oscar-nominated writer-director Ava DuVernay is best known for her Black-centric films and her work on diversifying Hollywood. She began a career in film in the mid-2000s, and slowly but surely began to gain more attention. It wasn’t until 2015’s...
Photo: ‘Coco Before Chanel’/Warner Bros. Pictures As part of Hollywood Insider’s Hidden Gems Series, we aim to bring forth and highlight movies that must be watched from around the world. International films that are brilliant hidden gems and masterpieces of cinema...
Photo: ‘The Personal History of David Copperfield’/Searchlight Pictures In an age where film can exist purely for aestheticism, or for the pleasure of the mass audience, it is rare to find a story that is witty, cunning, and overall a delight to behold....
Photo: ‘Evermore’/Beth Garrabrant/Republic Records After exhausting exposure to the twists and turns that came packaged in the ever-ambitious 2020 year, it now takes a great deal of effort to effectively invoke the numbed sensation of shock; however, if...
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