Photo: ‘The House’ The amount of work that goes into stop-motion animation should be constantly praised; however, stop-motion films are usually made for kids. When most people think about a stop-motion film, they think about Tim Burton’s ‘The Nightmare Before...
Photo: Black Women in Hollywood During the 21st century, Hollywood has given us some truly kick-butt female characters: Zoe Saldana as Neytiri in ‘Avatar’, Kerry Washington as Olivia Pope in ‘Scandal’, Lupita Nyong’o as Red in ‘Us’, Octavia Spencer as Madam C.J....
Photo: ‘Scream’ For the Fifth Time: What’s Your Favorite Scary Movie? ‘Scream’ ‘22 has had no modest premiere, touting an over 36 million opening weekend as the fifth and final installment of the franchise that has enthralled both your average audience member and your...
Photo: 2022 Movie Releases Ahh yes, we’re finally finished with 2021 and now have the chance to make new waves (and new chances to progress to a better version of ourselves) in this shiny new year of 2022. There are so many new opportunities to do things that we’ve...
Photo: ‘Grumpy Christmas’ You would imagine that we would reach a cap of Christmas movies to love and binge, but every season we are pleasanyly surprised. 2021 brought with it ‘Grumpy Christmas’ a perfect holiday flick. Don Servando, known as the Grumpy...
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