Photo: Roald Dahl With Netflix purchasing the rights to author Roald Dahl’s work for $686 million, one can easily see how influential Roald Dahl’s stories are. Roald Dahl’s work has uniquely been part of people’s childhoods in more than one way, being both...
Photo: ‘Easy A’ It’s been 11 years since the release and this witty, self-aware comedy starring the now Oscar winner and American sweetheart Emma Stone, is still just as much fun as ever. As a movie filled to the brim with commentary over topics like...
Photo: ‘Fever Dream’ ‘Fever Dream’ – More Questions than Answers The film begins with a black screen and the narration begins; from the start, there is a sense that this won’t be a normal watch. Based on the novel Fever Dream by Samanta Schweblin, ‘Fever Dream’...
Photo: ‘Bob’s Burgers’ Sitcoms are always in danger of “jumping the shark”. From ‘the Simpsons’ becoming unfunny to Fonzi literally jumping a shark in ‘Happy Days’, the longer a sitcom stays on television, the more likely it is to get stale. This is especially the...
Photo: ‘Real Housewives’ When you think of reality television in America, what first comes to your mind? Do you think of ‘Keeping Up With the Kardashians’ or maybe ‘Jersey Shore? Reality television has become a staple in American television, and we are constantly...
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