Photo: ‘Y: The Last Man’ After living in a pandemic for over a year, I was unsure how I felt about watching a post-apocalyptic series. My insides were freaking out. I’m pretty sure I had a panic attack from just thinking about contemplating the end of the world...
Photo: ‘Afterlife of the Party’ Cassie (Victoria Justice) is a 24-going-25 socialite and party planner in the midst of her birthday week. Among the strings to manage for Cassie is her long-time best friend and roomie Lisa (Midori Francis), who is much more concerned...
Photo: ‘The Shrink Next Door’ Although it can be jarring at first for audiences watching actors or writers take on an unexpected project, it almost always pays off. There is an understanding that comedic actors are often pigeonholed into sillier roles, but...
Photo: ‘Clueless’ Living in L.A. has its perks and its downfalls, but one of the perks is, if you decide to stroll down Melrose avenue on a Thursday afternoon, you might encounter a celebrity. And if you’re lucky enough, that celeb might be an icon...
Photo: ‘Brigsby Bear’ 2017’s ‘Brigsby Bear’ is not for everyone, but for those who want to check it out, it can be a life-changing watch. The film follows James Pope (Kyle Mooney), a twenty-five-year-old who lives in a bunker with his eccentric parents, Ted (Mark...
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