Photo: ‘Independence Day’/20th Century Fox 1996 was an interesting summer for movies with the critically acclaimed ‘Fargo’ to the vibrant ‘Space Jam’ to the forgotten Coppola film ‘Jack’. The one film that truly stood out that summer was the aptly named ‘Independence...
Photo: ‘Fast Color’/Lionsgate ‘Fast Color’ might be the most introverted superhero film since ‘Unbreakable’. Similar to Shyamalan’s 2000 cult classic, the movie is more interested in exploring the psychology, faith, and...
Video Version of this Article Photo/Video: Britney Spears/Hollywood Insider YouTube Channel Quotes labeled “Britney’s 2021 Statement” are pieces of Britney Spears’ 24-minute statement from court on Wednesday, June 23rd, 2021. For Over A Decade, The Pop-Star Has Not...
Photo: ‘McCartney 3, 2, 1’ Calling all Beatles, Wings, and of course, Paul McCartney fans! Hulu is releasing a six-episode series called ‘McCartney 3, 2, 1’ on July 16, 2021, for all fans and those curious to enjoy a one-on-one interview between Paul McCartney and...
Photo: ‘American Horror Stories’/FX on Hulu Years of explicit bloodbaths and murders evolved into a new series. Inside a perfectly violent reality, where ghosts have beautiful faces and fashionable clothes, killing for revenge seems rather cool, and sexual...
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