Photo: ‘Madame Claude’/Netflix Who Was Madame Claude? Just a few days ago, Netflix released the French biographical drama, ‘Madame Claude’, on its streaming service. This distressing, explicit biopic follows the rise and fall of sex work coordinator, Fernande Grudet....
Photo: ‘Cruella’/Disney As far as iconic Disney villains go, Cruella de Vil’s goal has always been a surprisingly modest one. In ‘One Hundred and One Dalmatians’, all she wants is one thing: the perfect fur coat. Of course, her wickedness comes from the fact that...
Photo: ‘WeWork: Or the Making and Breaking of a $47 Billion Unicorn’/Hulu There were a couple of things that I was looking to gain from watching the WeWork documentary. The first being a more in-depth understanding of the downfall of this, previously, billion-dollar...
Video Version of this Article Photo/Video: ‘South Park’ Characters/Comedy Central/Hollywood Insider YouTube Channel Only one show on TV has a sentient towel, Christmas poo, and the devil giving heart to hearts. It’s not an LSD trip, although it is what...
Photo: Jessica Walter/Kathy Hutchins/Shutterstock Hollywood Insider would like to send our condolences to Jessica Walter’s family – Rest in Peace! January 31st, 1941 made for a special day in Brooklyn, New York. Jessica Walter was born into quite a talented family....
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