Photo: ‘The Nice Guys’/Warner Bros. A Forgotten Gem The first time I saw Shane Black’s ‘The Nice Guys’, I had rented it from my local library a few months after it had been released on home media just because I had seen reviews online that wrote about the film...
Video Version of this Article Photo/Video: 20th Century Fox/Hollywood Insider YouTube Channel Sometimes a genuinely good movie can still fail. The box office can be a ruthless and occasionally unpredictable place. And financial flops aren’t limited to just movies with...
Photo: ‘Debris’/NBC If you’re looking for a new mind-bending and deliciously captivating series to get sucked in to but are hesitant to allow yourself the investment, rest assured NBC’s newest sci-fi drama ‘Debris’ is not one to disappoint. ‘Debris’ offers...
Photo: ‘Pacific Rim: The Black’/Netflix It begins with a battle. A gigantic, scaly foot crashes into the wreckage of a city on fire, only for the creature to be impaled by a giant robot. Voiceover in the form of news reports informs us that ‘gateways from an...
Photo: ‘Boss Level’/Hulu Directed by Joe Carnahan, ‘Boss Level’ follows the retired special forces soldier’s life, Roy Pulver, portrayed by Frank Grillo. He is targeted and murdered by unknown hitmen causing a time loop where Pulver is set to relive the...
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