Photo: ‘Osama’/ICA Film Distribution Shot on location in Kabul with non-actors found on the streets, Siddiq Barmak’s ‘Osama’ (2003) is a powerful, modern distillation of neorealism and vérité that verges on documentary, telling the story of a girl’s struggle to...
Photo: ‘June & Kopi’/Netflix Co-Writer, Director, and Producer Noviandra Santosa delivered a cute and interesting family pet drama that may appeal to more children, the filmmakers’ target audience, than to adults. Titien Wattimena helped Santosa write...
Photo: ‘The Call’/Netflix Ring, ring, ring. “Hello?” “Oh hey, what’s up, I’m just sitting in the same room as you– but in the past– what are you up to?” “Nothing much, just wishing my dad was alive again, just chillin, what about you?” Wiping...
Photo: New Releases February is typically a slow month for new releases, amplified in 2021 by the fact that theatergoing isn’t quite the carefree, commonplace activity it once was. To compensate, we will enjoy a number of new releases premiering via streaming services...
Photo: ‘The Ultimate Playlist of Noise’/Hulu If you knew you only had one month left to hear the world, what would you do first? Throughout watching ‘The Ultimate Playlist of Noise’, I tried to answer this question for myself- Dua Lipa’s new album that...
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