Video Version of this Article Photo/Video: Director Bong Joon-Ho with Kang-Ho Song, winner of the Palme d’Or award for his film “Parasite” poses at the photocall for Palme D’Or Winner/Taniavolobueva/Shutterstock/Hollywood Insider YouTube...
Photo: ‘Equinox’/Netflix Sometimes we search for series that will stretch over years, sometimes even decades, giving us an abundance of seasons and episodes to look forward to. Other times we want an intriguing mystery and mythology that holds us for as long as it...
Photo: ‘Promising Young Woman’/Focus Features Walking into the theatre that evening (mask intact) I was buzzing with the excitement of watching what I had secretly hoped was the equivalent of Friday the 13th, only, not starring Jason Voorhees–but Carey Mulligan...
Photo: Academy Awards In March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic rocked the world. It destroyed thousands of peoples’ livelihoods and put the American economy at an indefinite standstill. Though many industries have figured out ways to work remotely, Hollywood is an...
Photo: ‘One Night in Miami’/Amazon Studios The film ‘One Night in Miami,’ out in limited theatres now and releasing on Amazon Prime Video on January 15th, is a feat of artistic and imaginative genius. A fictional account of a real 1964 night in Miami where...
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