Photo: ‘Who Framed Roger Rabbit’/Buena Vista Pictures Distribution ‘Infinity War is the most ambitious crossover event in history–’ but have you seen Donald Duck and Daffy Duck dueling pianos? It’s one of the most memorable scenes from Who Framed...
Video Version of this Article Photo/Video: Nicole Kidman/Lionsgate Entertainment/ Hollywood Insider YouTube Channel At birth, Nicole Kidman was given the Hawaiian name “Hōkūlani”, meaning “heavenly star”. While many casting directors have acknowledged Kidman’s...
Photo: ‘The Midnight Sky’/Netflix It’s hard to believe but the last time George Clooney was in movies was four years ago with 2016’s ‘Money Monster’: for historical context, that was the final year of the Obama administration. And yet, the...
Photo: Jurassic Park/Universal Pictures ‘Jurassic Park’ – Brush with Extinction ‘Jurassic Park’, the ‘adventure 65 million years in the making’, is now a multimedia franchise 30 years in the making. Beginning with a 1990 science fiction...
Photo: 2020 Best Films 2020 was not the year we were promised on December 31, 2019. As an unprecedented pandemic swept the nation, everything shut down, movie theaters included. Suddenly blockbuster releases, often set in stone, were wiped from the calendar. Our...
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