Photo: Summit Entertainment Netflix added 2012 drama The Perks of Being a Wallflower this month and the internet is extremely excited. Between the dark-humored romance and unbridled honesty about being a teenager, this film has been a fan-favorite for a while now. The...
Photo: iMDB No new movies to see due to theaters being closed? No problem. I’ve got a large assortment of underrated and classic films everyone should rent or stream. A few pointers before we get into the list: – Not all of these films are on a streaming...
Photo: Disney Ever since it’s announcement, millennial fans who grew up watching Lizzie McGuire were ecstatic to be getting an updated return on Disney+. Or so many have thought. Production grinded to a halt after show runner and creator Terry Minski was suddenly...
Photo: Disney & Apple Apple on the Rise Recent months have seen Apple increasing its stake in the entertainment industry, with Apple TV+ serving as their major tool. However, amid recent stock drops, it’s possible that Apple will be looking to acquire a much...
Photo: Rebel Wilson and Adele/Instagram Weight and weight loss have always been a topic of controversy in the entertainment industry. From the pressure on super models to look like skin and bone corpses, to the urging of actresses to lose weight in order to land a...
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