‘Blink Twice’ (2024) is the psychological thriller written and directed by Zoë Kravitz, marking her directorial debut. The film explores complex and disturbing themes, such as manipulation, power dynamics and abuse. We follow a nail artist/ cocktail waitress named...
Words cannot describe the impact John Hughes has had on Cinema. His movies have impacted a generation of teenagers and fledgling filmmakers. How many times have you seen ‘Ferris Bueller’s Day Off’ being played on TV, or heard “Don’t You (Forget About Me)” from ‘The...
One of Hulu’s most anticipated shows, ‘Only Murders in the Building’ released the premiere of season 4 titled “Once Upon a Time in the West” this week, setting up an incredible few weeks ahead. Steve Martin, Selena Gomez, and Martin Short return as New York City...
Though his most recognizable show may be ‘The Simpsons’, Matt Groening’s ‘Futurama’ season 12 is reliably funny and always relevant. In its second season at its new home on Hulu, things are no different. From obsolete media to NFTs, from 80s flashbacks to the year...
The third season of the hit television comedy ‘Abbott Elementary’, created by Quinta Brunson, premiered on ABC on February 7, 2024. With a shortened season of just 14 episodes, the mockumentary maintained its trademark humor and intentional storytelling and continued...
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