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Prison Reform: To End Police Brutality, Ban Private Prisons

Video Version of this Article Video: Hollywood Insider YouTube Channel Prison Reform: Over 150 years ago, the American Civil War ended, sparking a 150 plus year movement where Black Americans have been more or less on their own in their fight for freedom. This century...

Video: What is a Top Priority Issue to People in USA? Healthcare? Gun Control? Immigration? Rapid Destructive Climate Change? Space Force? Hear From Everyday People And Visitors In USA | Hollywood Insider’s ‘Messages From America’ – Episode 13

Photo/Video: Statue of Liberty/Dominique James/Hollywood Insider YouTube Channel What do the amazing people in USA think of as the top priority issues? Is it healthcare, immigration, gun control, climate change or space force? All of us have heard the loud American...

Video: Which One Sounds More Urgent? Climate Change or Rapid Destructive Climate Change? Hear From Everyday People And Visitors In USA | Hollywood Insider’s ‘Messages From America’ – Episode 12

Photo/Video: Prince Charles, Greta Thunberg and Leonardo DiCaprio. (Dan Marsh, Lëa-Kim Châteauneuf, Olivia Vigerie)/Hollywood Insider YouTube Channel Is it really correct to call this massive issue we are facing simply ‘climate change’? Does it not soften...
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