Photo: The Before Trilogy/Columbia, Warner, Sony Pictures Releasing “But isn’t everything we’re doing in life, a way to be loved, a little more?”- Celine What is love? Is it the recognition of oneself in another? Or a kind of curated tenderness that arises from the...
Photo: ‘Broad City’/CBS Television Distribution Grab your joint, a spoon, some Ben and Jerry’s, and prepare to binge in your pajamas because Illana Glazer and Abbi Jacobson (most popularized for their infamous sitcom Broad City) have plummeted the...
Photo: ‘To Dust’/Good Deed Entertainment Shawn Snyder’s film To Dust digs directly into the soil of the heart with an absurdly playful melancholic rhythm, keeping us chuckling through the tears like some cathartic symphony. Co-written by Jason Begue, this...
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