Hulu’s new Spanish-language series ‘La Máquina’ (2024) is a visually striking, dark dramedy that masterfully blends campy, over-the-top elements with moments of psychological tension. Set primarily in Mexico, the show follows an aging boxer and his crafty manager as...
‘Average Joe’ (2024) tells the inspiring true story of a high school football coach who fought for his right to publicly express his religious beliefs, leading to a landmark Supreme Court case. Directed by Harold Cronk, known for the ‘God’s Not Dead’ franchise, the...
The most magical experience I’ve ever had watching a movie wasn’t in a regular movie theater. It used to be a movie theater, but today it’s the home of my hometown symphony: the beautiful Jacobs Music Center in downtown San Diego. Once a Fox Theatre movie palace,...
Being perhaps a candidate for film of the year, ‘The Substance’ (2024) is a recently released body horror film starring Demi Moore and is the second film of Coralie Fargeat. Like other entries in the genre, the film has a good deal of shock value and unnerving...
Glen Powell’s rise to stardom has been a long and steady journey, filled with hard work, determination, and a diverse range of roles that have slowly but surely earned him the spotlight he now commands. With standout roles in films like 2022’s ‘Top Gun:...
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