In ‘Saturday Night’ (2024), we follow the chaotic and exhilarating 90 minutes leading up to the debut episode of what is now known as ‘Saturday Night Live’ (SNL) on October 11, 1975—a night that would forever change American television and comedy scene. The film...
On September 9th, 2024, the world lost a film legend. Known the world over for his voice, charisma, and unrivaled presence on stage and screen, James Earl Jones was one of the most versatile and decorated actors in modern film history. He was an EGOT, one of a select...
In 2024, film adaptations of popular literature continue to captivate audiences. One of the year’s most intriguing entries is ‘The Wild Robot,’ a film based on Peter Brown’s 2016 novel of the same name. Directed by Chris Sanders, the film reimagines the...
Hollywood has long been a breeding ground for innovation, and the industry’s latest leap into the future is driven by artificial intelligence (AI). Lionsgate, one of the industry’s most prominent production companies, recently announced a partnership with...
There’s something alluring about the fashion industry, the pursuit of beauty through infinite lenses, what goes on in the heads of tastemakers, reveling in runway shows of seasons past, and of course flipping through the pages of Vogue. ‘In Vogue: The 90s’ from Vogue...
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