The Dark Age of American Animation For close to a century now, Disney has been synonymous (and indeed, treated as all but interchangeable) with American animation at large. If you go back and watch a Disney animated feature from the 1940s or ‘50s, you’ll notice just...
“It’s the basic rule of musicals: characters sing when their emotions become so intense they can’t do anything else.” That quote from Grammy, Emmy and Tony award-winning composer Tom Kitt perfectly sums up the experience of watching a movie musical. A genre arguably...
A true entertainer, Frank Sinatra did more than just sing throughout his career. In the early thirties, Sinatra was destined to become a movie star. Frank was a true performer. He could do anything from dry comedies to the rigid character studies of drama and crime...
How Things Used to Be Assuming you’re not too young, you probably remember what life was like before the age of high-speed and high-quality video streaming; it was a dark, primitive period in human history. Of course, given my age, some of my fondest childhood...
Everyone has a different image in their minds when they hear the name Lana Del Rey. You might be thinking of cherry coke and vintage cars, driving past Venice Beach. You might think of the coquette aesthetic of pink bows and girly dresses. You might even think of her...
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