The dramatic, and partly fictional retelling of the sinking of the Titanic – which took place early in the morning on April 15th, 1912 – has a warm place in the hearts of audiences around the world. The film is directed by James Cameron, known for his...
Already considered one of the best films of the year, ‘Tár’ has already won a Golden Globe and been nominated in six categories at the Academy Awards. Cate Blanchett plays Lydia Tár, an internationally recognized conductor and first female principal music director of...
‘Cocaine Bear’ is the new creature feature from Universal Pictures that seems as chaotic as the premise. Elizabeth Banks makes an absurd concept palatable for even the weary. Opening with the contents of fourteen billion dollars worth of cocaine spilling out of the...
Rarely do we, as avid TV watchers with all of our cynically savvy, deeply ingrained familiarity for the dramatic structures of television storytelling, get to witness an act of perfectly executed, purely emotional storytelling inside a single episode of television;...
Night Shyamalan, known for his infamously thrilling, psychological films released his newest film ‘Knock at the Cabin’ on Friday, February 3rd. The film centers around a family with a young daughter, away on a quiet vacation to a cabin and its surrounding woods....
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