Video Version of this Article Photo/Video: Director Bong Joon-Ho with Kang-Ho Song, winner of the Palme d’Or award for his film “Parasite” poses at the photocall for Palme D’Or Winner/Taniavolobueva/Shutterstock/Hollywood Insider YouTube...
Photo: ‘Industry’/HBO MAX There is something extremely attractive and alluring about entertainment content pieces depicting the work environment and the personal lives of people with high-powered careers. There have been many movies and TV series centered...
Photo: Future of Movies When most people list their hobbies, watching movies is usually one of them. Whether this is done alone or with friends and family, most people love watching films. However, the landscape of cinema is continuously changing. Especially during a...
Photo: ‘Romeo and Juliet’/Paramount Pictures Overused Storylines: For a cinephile, there is no feeling quite like the moment you sit down in a theater, the lights go dim, and the latest blockbuster hit or indie treasure begins to play on the big screen....
Photo: Independent Films Vs. Blockbusters/Marvel/Walt Disney Pictures/Sony Pictures Classics Consumerism and Big Blockbusters Lead the Market When you ask your friends if they’ve seen any movies recently, there’s a good chance they’ll mention some of the most popular...
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