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Photo: ‘Sexy Beasts’
‘Sexy Beasts’- Dating Obsessed
Let’s face the facts, reality TV will never disappear no matter how much people want it to. There will always be an audience for it and for anything produced. Every time the beginning title of ‘The Bachelor’ comes on the TV my mom can’t turn it off fast enough, but on the other hand my girlfriend turns it on for a laugh. There is something about watching the physically obsessed young people fight over people that surely would have no problem looking for love. It’s always ironic to see the dramatics and seriousness of a reality show and when you change the channel and there is the news reporting a shooting or the latest health risks. Nonetheless, people eat it up and beg for more.
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‘Sexy Beasts’ is no excuse and takes the ridiculousness of reality dating shows to the next level. The focus of the show is to stray away from the physical appearance part of dating like the Netflix show ‘Love is Blind’. The twist of this show is that all of the people on the show are dressed in prosthetics to look like a beast. Whether it’s a tiger, dragon, or even a witch, these make-up looks are definitely the most impressive things on the show. Season two of ‘Sexy Beast’ brings the same shallow people with crazier conversations and strange date activities.
The Basis of the Show
Each episode is twenty minutes long and the contestants only last one episode each. A lucky bachelor or bachelorette is the center of the episode and goes on the first date with three different people. They share a drink at the bar and learn a few things about each other, then the bachelor/bachelorette eliminates the one person they didn’t feel a connection with. The person who was eliminated real appearance is then revealed to the audience and the rest of the cast. The next part of the show is the second date that the two left to go on. These dates can range from picking out a bouquet at a flower shop to a cooking class with a world-class chef. After these dates, the bachelor/bachelorette chooses their sexy beast to win the show. Their real appearances are then revealed and everyone tells each other how great they look. The happily ever after part is definitely a question mark.
Related article: MUST WATCH – The Hollywood Insider’s CEO Pritan Ambroase’s Love Letter to Black Lives Matter – VIDEO
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Self-Aware Ridiculousness
The show itself is self-aware of how ridiculous it is. The narrator not only introduces the participants but has a ton of commentary about their contestants. He could be roasting them about what they say or appeasing the awkward moments. From the plot alone, the viewer knows this isn’t a show to take seriously. Having the narrator be the voice of reason helps the watch because, without it, it would mostly feel sad. It’s interesting to watch this show because it doesn’t make any of the characters very likable. They seem pretty self-absorbed and when they aren’t they usually get eliminated.
A point of the show that makes the viewer’s eyes roll is the number of body comments is said throughout the show. Though they are dressed as different animals, most of the guys act like pigs. Before they meet the girls they are talking about the type of girls they go far and it sounds sweet right until the end. They say big butt or nice boobs which makes the narrator audibly point out the grossness, but never enough to smooth it over. The girls definitely aren’t off the hook either, but the guys are emphasized more on being more degrading towards women.
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Still About The Appearances
A show that clearly is about finding someone based on personality first rather than physical appearance is still giving out the opposite message. To begin with, everybody on the show is hyped up to be super attractive with the picture-perfect body type. Even the contestants on the show are going on the show because they say their hotness gets in the way of their dating life. It’s quite shallow and strange because they are just sick and tired of people only finding them attractive when a lot of people have the opposite happening to them. There is also never a moment in the show where the reveal is disappointing or the other person doesn’t find them attractive. Of course, nobody wants to see that happen, but it’s a reality that some people have. At the end of the day, physical attraction is important so it will always be a factor for people.
The second part of the show that proves it’s all about physical appearance is the show itself. People watch the show because they want to see the before and after with the make-up. It almost becomes a guessing game for the audience of their own expectations. Nobody genuinely watches the show to see participants find love, they watch for the short release of surprise when they didn’t think the person would look that way. The climax of the show isn’t when the bachelor/bachelorette chooses who they want to continue dating, it’s when they first see each other in their normal appearance. If the show was about personality, that part would be played down.
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Netflix’s ‘Sexy Beasts’ is not a show that requires critical thinking or even any thinking at all. The ridiculousness never stops with each episode and continues to show how attractive people must have a really hard time while dating. I would recommend this show for some great background noise, but don’t focus too hard on it.
Watch ‘Sexy Beast’ season two here on Netflix.
By Jack Colin
Click here to read The Hollywood Insider’s CEO Pritan Ambroase’s love letter to Black Lives Matter, in which he tackles more than just police reform, press freedom and more – click here.
An excerpt from the love letter: The Hollywood Insider’s CEO/editor-in-chief Pritan Ambroase affirms, “The Hollywood Insider fully supports the much-needed Black Lives Matter movement. We are actively, physically and digitally a part of this global movement. We will continue reporting on this major issue of police brutality and legal murders of Black people to hold the system accountable. We will continue reporting on this major issue with kindness and respect to all Black people, as each and every one of them are seen and heard.
Just a reminder, that the Black Lives Matter movement is about more than just police brutality and extends into banking, housing, education, medical, infrastructure, etc. We have the space and time for all your stories. We believe in peaceful/non-violent protests and I would like to request the rest of media to focus on 95% of the protests that are peaceful and working effectively with positive changes happening daily. Media has a responsibility to better the world and The Hollywood Insider will continue to do so.”
Ways to support Black Lives Matter Movement to end systemic racism
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Jack Colin is a playwright and screenwriter with an immense love for film & television which drives him to learn from and share his passion with anyone willing to listen. Living life as a trans man, Jack wants his writing to create a safe space for LGBTQ+ members and share the positive stories that are so often ignored through his work at The Hollywood Insider, he is eager to give readers a confident outlook on life. The storytellers of the world are the ones who decide what happiness can be. Jack takes pride in The Hollywood Insider’s mission statement to stray away from gossip and to lift up voices in entertainment with supportive and meaningful stories that will promote strength and unity.