The Dark Age of American Animation For close to a century now, Disney has been synonymous (and indeed, treated as all but interchangeable) with American animation at large. If you go back and watch a Disney animated feature from the 1940s or ‘50s, you’ll notice just...
Jim Henson is a man who needs no introduction. He’s a household name, famous for his intricate puppets and his creative genius. Throughout the late 20th century, he captivated people worldwide with fun characters and innovations in puppetry that could only be thought...
Over the years, there have been a lot of filmmakers who have been game-changers when it comes to filmmaking. Michael Bay has been receiving audiences by presenting them with movies such as ‘Transformers’ and the ‘Bad Boys’ series. Denis Villeneuve has been...
It’s no secret that sequel films typically send people running to movie theater seats. They’re a safe bet for a studio like Walt Disney — if audiences loved an original film, they’re sure to enjoy a new adventure with the same charismatic characters and the addition...
For the twelfth year, CinemaCon was held inside Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas and provided a platform for studios like Warner Bros., Lionsgate, Universal Pictures and Walt Disney Studios to present exclusive first looks at upcoming projects. CinemaCon ran from April...
Every year, the Academy Awards are held in sunny Los Angeles to honor outstanding achievements in filmmaking. The biggest names in the business line the red carpet with acceptance speeches tucked into their pockets, but many will leave empty-handed. Some key actors,...
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