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The Film Industry, Marvel Studios, and the Shared Universe

The Film Industry, Marvel Studios, and the Shared Universe

The film industry is in a much different place now than it was back in the 2000s. The most popular franchise was the ‘Harry Potter’ series and the genre of superhero films was only beginning to really gain in popularity. But in 2008, a film came out that would...
Is ‘Twisters’ the Summer Film of 2024?

Is ‘Twisters’ the Summer Film of 2024?

It is impossible to think of disaster films and not think of Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton as Dr. Jo Harding and Bill Harding in ‘Twister’. Jan de Bont’s film was the second-highest-grossing film of 1996 and had a very significant impact on popular culture,...
A Guide to Marvel: Watch Every Marvel Film In Order

A Guide to Marvel: Watch Every Marvel Film In Order

Marvel has gained great popularity since their first avengers film (‘The Avengers’), winning loyal fans all over the world by establishing seamlessly integrating characters, plot lines, and events across MCU movies and TV shows. They found a clever way to keep their...
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