It’s such a bittersweet experience to see some great stars returning to roles that made so many fall in love with them. The bitterness comes from the fact that the new installment could potentially be so inferior, or it could be extremely superior; either way, a new...
‘A Quiet Place: Day One’ is a spin-off of ‘A Quiet Place’, a 2018 thriller directed by John Krasinski, who also stars in the film alongside his wife, Emily Blunt. The spin-off is a prequel to the first film, following the arrival of aliens on Earth and the ruin of...
In December 2023, Billie Eilish stepped onto the Variety Red Carpet to discuss her hit song ‘What Was I Made For?’ from the ‘Barbie’ movie. While in an interview, she was asked about her sexuality, referencing an interview she had done prior where she discussed her...
Next year, ‘Saturday Night Live’ will be celebrating its 50th anniversary, after making its premiere on October 11, 1975. The famed late-night comedy’s beginnings are also in the process of being captured in a new film, aptly titled ‘SNL 1975’. While little...
It’s no shock the in recent years, American politics have taken the wheel on many films in Western Cinema. As political figures become celebrities in their own right, and political affiliations have become more and more about human rights and the policies one...
From 1981 to 1986, ‘The Fall Guy’, starring Lee Majors, was broadcast on ABC. The series told the story of Colt Seavers, a Hollywood stunt-man who might as well be a bounty hunter as he utilized his skills in stunt work to catch criminals. The series was a success,...
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