‘Amsterdam’ is a Brilliant Return to the Big Screen for Director David O. Russell | He Just Keeps Giving Life to Actors
Photo: ‘Amsterdam’  David’s Humor and Characters David O. Russell wrote and directed the new ensemble cast film ‘Amsterdam.’ David has a very defined sense of comedy within his writing. We have seen it in almost all his films. ‘I Heart Huckabees’ is a great example of...
A Tribute to Christina Applegate: Broadway Star, Long-Time Actress, and Inspiration
Photo: Christina Applegate/Jaguar PS/Shutterstock Christina Applegate began her acting career early on in her life when her mother and ‘Days of Our Lives’ star, Nancy Priddy, brought her along with her to set to act in the acclaimed soap opera. With an actress...
Rob Zombie: The Patron Saint of Grindhouse Gore
Photo: Rob Zombie When you make films as gruesome and absurd as ‘House of 1000 Corpses’, or the controversial reimagining of John Carpenter’s horror classic, ‘Halloween’, you are bound to raise some eyebrows. Somewhat shunned from entering the ranks of well-known...
‘Jackie Brown’ is Quentin Tarantino’s Unsung Masterpiece
Photo: ‘Jackie Brown’ ‘Jackie Brown’ was, to say the least, an unexpected follow-up to the epochal ‘Pulp Fiction’. The seedy, low-level crime narrative that unfolds in this Elmore Leonard adaptation, moves at a slower, breezier rhythm than any other...