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Ranbir Kapoor’s ‘Brahmastra: Part One – Shiva’ is Your Ticket to the Astraverse | Bollywood’s Version of the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Ranbir Kapoor’s ‘Brahmastra: Part One – Shiva’ is Your Ticket to the Astraverse | Bollywood’s Version of the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Photo: ‘Brahmastra: Part One – Shiva’  Background In ‘Brahmastra: Part One — Shiva,’ ​​Ayan Mukerji wants to welcome you to the Astraverse.  ‘Brahmastra,’ the introduction to the new Bollywood universe, has been in the works for some time. In 2017 Karan...
‘Pearl’ – Ti West’s Prequel to ‘X’

‘Pearl’ – Ti West’s Prequel to ‘X’

Photo: ‘Pearl’ In March 2020, Ti West made the 1970’s  horror-inspired film ‘X.’ It is a movie that is inspired by movies like ‘Texas Chainsaw Massacre.’ Others will be reminded of Paul Thoman Anderson’s ‘Boogie Nights.’ A group of young people choose to...
D23 Expo 2022: Some Surprises But Mostly Disappointments

D23 Expo 2022: Some Surprises But Mostly Disappointments

Photo: D23 So D23 happened this past weekend and to put it plainly, it was a dud.  Disney, Lucasfilm, and Marvel all had a major opportunity to get fans and audiences ecstatic about their content again, something they sorely needed even if they did not realize it. ...
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