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In Memoriam: A Tribute to Legendary Actor James Caan

In Memoriam: A Tribute to Legendary Actor James Caan

Video Version of this Article Photo: James Caan/’The Godfather’ The Hollywood Insider would like to pay our condolences to the Caan family and everyone who loved him. We will always remember you James for your contribution to Cinema and the world. ...
Jordan Peele’s Films Ranked: ‘Get Out’, ‘Us’ and ‘Nope’

Jordan Peele’s Films Ranked: ‘Get Out’, ‘Us’ and ‘Nope’

Photo: Jordan Peele’s Films  3. ‘Nope’ Don’t let the placement of ‘Nope’ on this list fool you. ‘Nope’ is without a doubt a great film, although it has some tough competition when it is compared to the rest of Peele’s work. ‘Nope’ feels like Peele’s attempt at a...
Is Ben Affleck Reconsidering Donning The Cape As Batman?

Is Ben Affleck Reconsidering Donning The Cape As Batman?

Photo: Ben Affleck as ‘Batman’? After ‘Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice’ underperformed critically and financially at the box office and its follow-up ‘Justice League’ went through a seemingly accursed production process due to a number of unfortunate...
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