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‘Live is Life’: Some Life Without a Narrative 

‘Live is Life’: Some Life Without a Narrative 

Photo: ‘Live is Life’ Netflix generally knocks it out of the park when it comes to many of their streaming shows. Many of their original series titles, ‘Squid Game,’ ‘The Witcher,’ and ‘Strangers Things’ to name a few, have been of stellar quality and have cemented...
‘The Deer King’ Prances Presciently into Theaters

‘The Deer King’ Prances Presciently into Theaters

Photo: ‘The Deer King’  Background and Summary There’s no doubt ‘The Deer King’ is an adapted novel. It wanders into every possible corner of its highly-developed world like Tolkien prose. Every ridge, every tree, every flower; the animal skin huts of the pastoral...
‘The Forgiven’: When Worlds, Uh, Collide

‘The Forgiven’: When Worlds, Uh, Collide

Photo: ‘The Forgiven’ The People of the Worlds ‘The Forgiven’ gets most of its juice from the tension between its two worlds: the sneering, hollow world of the Western elitists and the conservative culture of the Muslim Moroccans. It’s a familiar device, but the...
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