Photo: ‘Cha Cha Real Smooth’ A Brief Overview ‘Cha Cha Real Smooth’ is written, directed, and produced by Cooper Raiff who stars as the main character, Andrew. The film is Raiff’s sophomore project as the story upholds a refreshing narrative for audiences. The young...
Photo: ‘The Princess’ Fairy tales have existed for thousands of years. As far as we understand, people have always been interested in stories of dragons, fairies, witches, and unicorns. Everyone is familiar with a handful of tales of princesses, princes, castles, and...
Photo: ‘The Hunger Games’ Prequel Back in 2012, the world was graced with one of the most impactful book-to-movie franchises, following ‘Harry Potter’ and ‘The Twilight Saga.’ ‘The Hunger Games’ transformed from the pages and onto the big screen. The book trilogy,...
Photo: ‘Beauty’ Overview In this new Netflix original film, dive into the story of a young woman named Beauty (portrayed by Gracie Marie Bradley) who has a promising musical career laid out in front of her. However, everything is not as simple as signing a contract....
Photo: ‘Centauro’ It is not often that we get an action film free from cheesy dialogue and a recycled story about escaping cartels and organized crime. Many action flicks, especially straight-to-streaming ones, try to use the action sequences as the selling point for...
Photo: Fast and Furious It’s no doubt that the “Fast and Furious” franchise has been a part of American culture since the first initial release of “The Fast and the Furious”, directed by Rob Cohen and starring Paul Walker, Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez, and...
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