Photo: ‘Glamour Girls’ Overview ‘Glamour Girls’ tells the story of a young woman named Emmanuella (portrayed by Sharon Ooja) who must enter the world of sex work in order to provide for her siblings. Within her journey to become a luxury escort, she makes acquaintance...
Photo: ‘Lightyear’ A Brief Overview “To infinity and beyond” are the iconic words of our favorite space ranger. ‘Lightyear’ is a look into the backstory of ‘Toy Story’s’ Buzz Lightyear. The film was directed by Angus MacLane, who has taken part in several other Pixar...
Photo: ‘Blasted’ Intro A few months ago, I reviewed a Norwegian film called ‘The Burning Sea’. Now it’s time for me to return to the country to review another much different film, one by the name of ‘Blasted: Gutta vs. Aliens’. While I know little about the production...
Photo: Marvel Movies The Marvel Cinematic Universe and its films are certainly an outlet of entertainment for hardcore comic book fans and general moviegoers, as is apparent from their ability to smash advanced ticket sale records and opening weekend box office...
Photo: ‘Inception’ and ‘Paprika’ What is so fascinating about dreams? Is it the fact we can explore our subconscious mind? Or is it because it is a reflection of our innermost desires? These are questions that are examined in both Satoshi Kon’s 2006 anime film...
Photo: ‘Love & Gelato’ To Rome with Love (and Gelato) A lot of us have been at that point in our lives, where we’re done with high school and now we’re applying for colleges — hopefully with scholarships. You realize that you’re about to enter a...
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