In fall 2009, a young girl nervously walked into an audition room to perform for Disney Channel casting agents, who were actively seeking the star for their new show ‘Dance Dance Chicago.’ The girl wasn’t fully confident in her dancing ability, but she connected with...
When searching for powerful and relatable representations of women in film, most people probably don’t turn to the romantic comedy genre first. The leading ladies of romantic comedies typically have a perfect job as a magazine reporter in a stylish big city apartment,...
As part of The Hollywood Insider’s “Iconic Moments in Cinema” Series, actor and director Pritan Ambroase brings to life the most memorable scenes from ‘The King’s Speech,’ a film celebrated for its powerful portrayal of King George...
In the Summer of 2022, Baz Luhrmann’s ‘Elvis‘ premiered in theatres across the country. The biopic, starring Austin Butler as the title figure, reminded past generations of the famed singer and taught younger generations of the Elvis hysteria that took over the...
It’s no secret that it has been the year for cinema. The Barbenheimer summer brought audiences to theaters and broke box office records, while the SAG and WGA strikes raged on to protect their jobs due to AI. Viewers have said it best…Cinema is back, and the Oscars...
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