Photo: Jennifer Lopez, Yalitza Aparicio, Pedro Pascal, Lionel Hahn, Starfrenzy/Bigstock, Marion Curtis/StarPix Minority snubbing has been brought to light in the past several years, becoming a controversial topic most prominently around award season. Announcements of...
Photo: Wikimedia $1.9 billion and growing exponentially – the selfie industry is predicted to reach $6.4 billion by 2025, according to Verdict. We see selfies everywhere – our camera roll, the internet, social media. Most of the selfie industry is...
Photo: A Side-by-side comparison of Queen Elizabeth II between 1959 and 2015 The TV Special ‘The Royals with Pritan Ambroase: A Tribute to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’ premiered on 23 January 2020 at 5 pm EST. You can watch the special episode above or by clicking...
Photo: Aidy Bryant in ‘Shrill’/Hulu As soon as we think of a pool party, especially like the ones in movies and TV, our mind immediately conjures images of super fit and extremely confident people with perfect beauty standard-conforming bodies. But, let’s...
Photo/Video: Statue of Liberty/Dominique James/Hollywood Insider YouTube Channel What do the amazing people in USA think of as the top priority issues? Is it healthcare, immigration, gun control, climate change or space force? All of us have heard the loud American...
Photo: Kylie Jenner/ At 22 years old Kylie Jenner has created a billion-dollar beauty empire. Kylie introduced her cosmetics powerhouse to the world by launching lip kits in 2015. After a successful distribution deal with Ulta in 2018, Kylie’s beauty...
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