Now for Our Feature Presentation Starring… Mary Jane? How Marijuana Plays a Starring Role in Hollywood
Photo: Pineapple Express/Sony Pictures Releasing Cheech and Chong eat your heart out. Miss Mary Jane has been a staple in Hollywood long before the notoriously stoned duo brought her back into relevance. The term “stoner films” refer to a very niche sub-genre of...
It is Time to Re-Define “Oscar-Worthy” as Oscars Needs To Stop Awarding Popularity & Box-Office Success and Focus on Talent and Prestige
Photo: Academy Awards/Oscars When you hear the term “Oscar-worthy” you think of quality and prestige. Any film that wins an Oscar must be the best of the best…right? Artists strive and work their entire career to be a part of this ceremony, but the problem, is...
Purple and BOLD: Why Kobe Bryant is a Legend Beyond Basketball, Such Was His Power and Prolific Legacy
Photo: Instagram Lakers shooting guard. The Black Mamba. The GOAT. Doting Father. Oscar winner. Tactical Business man. King of the NBA. Whatever name you bestow upon him, there is no mistaking- Kobe Bryant is a legend. He has been celebrated as such during his 20...
The Request of A Teenage Girl: It is Time Hollywood Changed the Way it Depicted Sex and Sexual Assault in Cinema/TV to Stop Harming Teenagers
Photo: ‘Titanic’/20th Century Fox, Paramount Pictures. More than half a century after its theatrical release to cinemas across the country, I sat in a stuffy English Literature classroom, the room dark and eerily silent, as we drowsy students watched the...