Naomi Scott “Jasmine” Demands More From Her Role as Princess
Photo: Naomi Scott at the Los Angeles premiere of ‘Aladdin’ held at the El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood, USA on May 21, 2019, Bigstock/Starfrenzy The angst-filled wait ended this past Memorial Day weekend for cherishers of the original 1992 masterpiece...
LGBTQ+ Representation in Film/TV: From The First Romantic Film in 1919 Based On A Gay Love Story To Where We Must Go
Photo: Paul & Kurt in “Different From The Others”, Ricard-Oswald-Produktion, Elio & Oliver in “Call Me By Your Name”, Sony Pictures Classics, Omar & Ander in “Elite”, Netflix As we enter Pride month alongside the Trump...
The War On Drugs & The Portrayal of An Anti-Drug Abuse Message: Entertainment Industry Edition
Photo: The Wolf of Wall Street/Paramount Pictures, Beautiful Boy/Amazon Studios, The Wolf of Wall Street/Paramount Pictures, Al Pacino as Tony Montana in Brian De Palma’s Scarface/Universal Pictures It’s no surprise that illicit drug-use has been referenced and...
The Hollywood New Actor Debacle – How Hollywood Tackles Unions and Workers’ Rights
Photo: Hollywood Unions/SAG-AFTRA, WGA, DGA, PGA In recent history, the share of American salary earners who are members of unions has decreased. Many workers see no point in affiliation with a workers’ union, as the costs of membership fees outweigh the small...