Curves and Swerves for your Nerves: Are Black Female Bodies Being Celebrated or Fetishized?
Photo: Black Women in Hollywood During the 21st century, Hollywood has given us some truly kick-butt female characters: Zoe Saldana as Neytiri in ‘Avatar’, Kerry Washington as Olivia Pope in ‘Scandal’, Lupita Nyong’o as Red in ‘Us’, Octavia Spencer as Madam C.J....
The Fabulous Overlap of Fashion and Film: ‘House of Gucci’Â
Photo: ‘House of Gucci’ Patrizia Reggiani has been nothing but an outsider her entire life. Accustomed to the role, she finds her life flipped upside down when she marries into the luxurious Gucci family. Her current alienation from a humble lifestyle feeds her...
The Rise and Journey of Miley Cyrus: From Child Star to Superstar Singer, Actress and Full-Time Rebel
Video Version of this Article Photo/Video: Miley Cyrus/Kathy Hutchins/Shutterstock People know the talented Miley Cyrus through the different avenues she has taken throughout her life. Some may know her as Hannah Montana from the hit Disney show ‘Hannah Montana,’ her...
Here is Our List of the Top Actresses of 2021: From Scarlett Johansson to Zendaya, Anya Taylor-Joy to Lupita Nyong’o & More
Photo: Top Actresses of 2021 In 2021, we made up for a lot of missed movies and shows that had been held back because of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, we’ve been introduced to many new and important stories that have made this year’s media more exciting and...