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Amoeba Records: A Pop-Culture Lover’s Paradise

Amoeba Records: A Pop-Culture Lover’s Paradise

The Beginner’s Introduction to Amoeba Music Since 1990, Amoeba Music has been the place to go for lovers of pop culture media. Buying, trading, and selling all sorts of knick-knacks and media across vastly varying platforms, Amoeba describes themselves on their...
Lights, Cars, Action: The Reawakening of Drive-In Theaters

Lights, Cars, Action: The Reawakening of Drive-In Theaters

In an era so enthralled by digital entertainment and streaming services, the nostalgic appeal and communal experience of drive-in theaters are experiencing a renaissance. Amidst the long evolving landscape of cinema, these outdoor settings have emerged as beacons of...
‘Babylon’: The Biggest Movie Nobody Watched

‘Babylon’: The Biggest Movie Nobody Watched

The year 2022 in film, looking back, was a year of Grandiosity. Yes, Grandiosity, with a capital G. In this year’s Best Picture category, we have such hits as ‘Avatar 2: The Way of Water,’ ‘Elvis,’ ‘Top Gun: Maverick,’ ‘All Quiet on the Western Front,’ and ‘Everything...
Werner Herzog: Treasures From a Lifelong Cinematic Quest

Werner Herzog: Treasures From a Lifelong Cinematic Quest

Werner Herzog: Champion of the Outsider When I tell you that Werner Herzog once held an actor at gunpoint upon that actor’s refusal to act, you may wonder how he hasn’t been canceled (Herzog denies pulling the gun but not threatening his star’s life). When I tell you...
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