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The History of A24 and its Magnificent Films

The History of A24 and its Magnificent Films

Few people nowadays probably can’t say that they have a favorite film company because of how much the industry has changed. The film genre has become oversaturated with superhero films, leading most people to start a conversation by asking, “Marvel or DC?” We don’t...
Does Boycotting in Hollywood Do More Harm than Good?

Does Boycotting in Hollywood Do More Harm than Good?

Boycotting has been around for centuries, proving time and time again to be an effective yet peaceful way to call attention to problematic or unjust situations. The aim is to inflict economic loss to an individual, corporation, or, in this case, a film, in order to...
Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop and the Real Meaning of Health

Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop and the Real Meaning of Health

Warning: This article covers Disorder Eating behaviors Introduction On a recent podcast,’The Art of Being Well,’ actress and businesswoman Gwyneth Paltrow, star of Shakespeare in Love, The Talented Mr. Ripley, and The Royal Tenenbaums, discussed her diet with Dr. Will...
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