Welcome to the new era of Brazilian Cinema! The newest Netflix original film ‘Bionic’ (‘Biônicos’ in Portuguese) takes place in Brazil in the year 2035, where a highly technology dominated world is the backdrop of the dystopian thriller written by Josefina Trotta and...
The year 2022 in film, looking back, was a year of Grandiosity. Yes, Grandiosity, with a capital G. In this year’s Best Picture category, we have such hits as ‘Avatar 2: The Way of Water’, ‘Elvis’, ‘Top Gun: Maverick’, ‘All Quiet on the Western Front’, and ‘Everything...
David Leitch’s most recent film ‘The Fall Guy’ pays homage to the stunt department. The film is doing great at the box office and it might have just started a very important conversation about the often forgotten and largely under appreciated jobs in the Film...
Pride month is over, but just because it is no longer June doesn’t mean we shouldn’t stop celebrating love and telling queer stories. In fact, we should always celebrate love and tell queer stories. So, here is a list of 62 films with canon main LGBTQIA+ characters...
The legendary actor, Donald Sutherland, has passed on and even though his passing is something to mourn, his legacy will live on and that is something to be most grateful for. Early life Donald McNichol Sutherland was born in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada in 1935....
‘One Day’ is the new Netflix show that will warm your heart, only to rip it from you in the last couple of episodes. The friends-to-lovers trope that is guaranteed to break your heart. Now, is the show really worth all of your tears? Truth is, if you ever wanted...
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