Humble Beginnings and Steady Growth Japanese animation has been around since the very early days of film. The oldest known animated filmstrip from the country is believed to have been made around 1907, and the oldest theatrical piece of Japanese animation dates back...
How You Know Mercury Is in Retrograde I recently filled an online shopping cart with four hundred dollars worth of trading cards, and I don’t have the four hundred dollars to purchase them, so that’s one way. More to the point, astrology has seen a resurgence in...
Nowadays, it is hard not to run into a Marvel fan when you are adventuring in everyday life. Slowly but surely, Marvel has built up its fanbase to insane levels. It seems that most moviegoers are obsessed with the MCU and the movies found within it. Marvel’s newest...
WWE achieved the height of its popularity in the late ’90s and early 2000s during what became known as the Attitude Era. This period within the sports entertainment powerhouse continued to deviate from the “sports” based aspect of pro wrestling which was made famous...
Sexual Harassment & Abuse Actress Alexa Nikolas, known for starring in two seasons of the Nickelodeon hit ‘Zoey 101,’ led a protest at Nickelodeon’s Burbank headquarters in August. Nikolas is the leader of an activist group that advocates for survivors...
‘Saturday Night Live’ cast members come and go frequently over the years. While some do not have the most memorable run on the show, others create moments that will go down in history as some of the funniest sketches and characters on the show. Cecily Strong falls...
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