How Hollywood Is Finally Taking Notice: Women Reshaping Hollywood’s Narrative
Women Are Redefining Cinema– And the World is Taking Notice Since the beginning of time, Hollywood’s narrative was largely led by the perceptions of males, with women limited to their work. However, times have changed– a seismic shift has taken place, and now women...
The Beauty and Transcendence of Paolo Sorrentino- The Maestro of Modern Italian Cinema
The role that Italy has played in film history is significant with Neorealist greats such as Roberto Rossellini or stylized auteurs like Federico Fellini shaping a view on the world that is both fantastical and honest. In modern Italian cinema, the most significant...
Chords That Make The Soul Ache: How Has Metal Music Inspired The Industry?
Rock The bell that tolls for anyone, Metal Music has influenced more than just the music industry, It has fitted its claws deep into Film and Television for decades. The Metal Genre has had a deepened footprint in the history of human amusement. Ever since its...
Oh, How We’d Love to See Elliott and E.T. Soar Across the Moon Again…
 Could ‘E.T.’ Make a Comeback? Spielberg Sets the Record Straight on the Future of the Iconic Alien The iconic 1982 classic, ‘E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial’, has captured hearts for more than forty years. With Spielberg’s recent remarks, could there be more to the...