Starting this past Monday, ‘What We Do in the Shadows’ is back with a final sixth season on FX and Hulu. The first three episodes aired on Monday, October 21st, and each new episode will be released weekly on Mondays up until December 16th, 2024, for a total of 11...
In the world of animated movies, the rarest style of animating is stop motion. The process in itself takes a very long time and requires lots of patience. Therefore, few studios build themselves on it and the few who do see difficulty finding an audience. However,...
From a landmark of Mexican magical realism literature to a breathtaking Cinematic experience that reawakens the soul of a cherished classic for new generations. Juan Rulfo’s ‘Pedro Páramo’ is one of the most influential pieces of fictional literature in Mexican...
Hailing from the great Mexican director Alonso Ruizpalacios, ‘La Cocina’ (2024) is a recently released multi language film that shows the struggles and stress of working as a cook in a kitchen. Many of us have some kind of insight on the topic due to the multiple...
It is far from rare to see well known actors transition into film directing as many well known actors such as Jonah Hill and Jordan Peele have risen from their acting career to bring a story they care about to the big screen from the director’s chair. There have been...
In Robert Zemeckis’ latest cinematic venture, ‘Here’ (2024), audiences are taken on a bold journey through time, space, and memory— all within the confines of a single room. Featuring Tom Hanks in a deeply committed performance, the film combines non-linear...
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