As film festival season begins to wrap up, film buffs await the theatrical and streaming releases of the films that premiered at festivals, such as Sundance and Cannes. While some of the bigger film festivals have begun prep for next season, other smaller festivals...
The Disney empire is home to a wide variety of different types of movies. From the feel-good animated classics and their live-action remakes to the cutting-edge storylines and CGI innovation. One of the types of Disney movies that can sometimes be forgotten about is...
Filmmaking in itself is a process, and it’s entirely not a process to be taken lightly. There is so much to take into account when making a film—actors, filming locations, script, etc. But, overall, no film could ever truly come to the physical world without the...
The sequel series to the hit Fox sitcom ‘That 70s Show,’ titled ‘That ‘90s Show,’ premiered on Netflix in January 2023 with a 10-episode season and quickly became a fan favorite. In February 2023, Netflix renewed the series for a second season. The first part of...
Since October 2018, ‘All American’ has been captivating audiences with its storylines, including drama, relationships, friendships, hardships, and social issues. The hit CW series returns for its 6th season, ready to deliver even more entertainment,...
When the live-action adaptation of ‘The Cat in the Hat’ premiered in November 2003, it primarily targeted late Millennials and early Gen Z viewers. As a young audience, they were mostly oblivious to the film’s many adult jokes. Instead, they delighted in the memorable...
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