A Tribute To The Academy Awards: All Best Actor/Actress Speeches From Start Of Oscars 1929-2019 | From Marlon Brando & Bette Davis to Meryl Streep, Rami Malek, Leonardo DiCaprio & Beyond
Photo/Video: Hollywood Insider’s Feature: Academy Award Winners 1929-2019 – Audrey Hepburn, Leonardo DiCaprio, Rami Malek, Bette Davis, Matthew McConaughey, Olivia Colman, Daniel Day Lewis, Meryl Streep, Denzel Washington, Sissy Spacek, Jodie Foster, Yul...
If Oscars New Rules Had Existed 80 Years Ago, These Deserving Stars Would Have Won
Photo: Oscars New Rules The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which oversees the Oscars, was founded on May 11th, 1927. Seven years shy of their 100th birthday, they announced new diversity and inclusion rules that will begin in 2022 and take full effect in...
What Is an Oscar Bait Film? How to Be Nominated for and Win an Academy Award
Video Version of this Article Photo/Video: Oscars/Hollywood Insider YouTube Channel Every year there are many movies that release around the same time of year, close to awards season, all vying to get a coveted nomination. Some of these films are described as “Oscar...
Oscars and Sad Movies: What Happened to the Uplifting Awards Contenders?
Video Version of this Article Photo: Oscars and Sad Movies Joy and happiness are Oscar worthy. It has happened and should happen more often. I want to first get this out of the way and establish that I am a massive fan of all the potential awards nominees this year....