One of Hulu’s most anticipated shows, ‘Only Murders in the Building’ released the premiere of season 4 titled “Once Upon a Time in the West” this week, setting up an incredible few weeks ahead. Steve Martin, Selena Gomez, and Martin Short return as New York City...
When ‘Gravity Falls’ premiered on Disney Channel in 2012, it must have been hard to imagine the cultural phenomenon that it would become in the following years, but that didn’t keep creator Alex Hirsch from dreaming big. Though it only ran for two seasons on Disney...
In December 2023, Billie Eilish stepped onto the Variety Red Carpet to discuss her hit song ‘What Was I Made For?’ from the ‘Barbie’ movie. While in an interview, she was asked about her sexuality, referencing an interview she had done prior where she discussed her...
As film festival season begins to wrap up, film buffs await the theatrical and streaming releases of the films that premiered at festivals, such as Sundance and Cannes. While some of the bigger film festivals have begun prep for next season, other smaller festivals...
Pride month is over, but just because it is no longer June doesn’t mean we shouldn’t stop celebrating love and consuming queer stories. In fact, we should always celebrate love and consume queer stories. So, here is a list of 74 shows with canon main LGBTQIA+...
I know I speak for many when I say there was a hole in my heart when Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn left ‘Project: Runway’, but there have been attempts to revive the format. Reboot seasons of the show that don’t include the original hosts, and ‘Making the Cut’, Heidi and...
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