Animated Harley Quinn is Worth Your Time – Catch Up on It!
Photo: ‘Harley Quinn’/Warner Bros. Animated Harley Quinn: Ever since her debut on Batman: The Animated Series, Harley Quinn has gone on to become one of the most popular characters in the DC Comics universe. The Clown Princess of Crime’s profile only went...
Best Spanish Movies/TV Shows on Netflix
Photo: ‘Alta Mar’/’High Seas’/Netflix Best Spanish movies/TV shows on Netflix: I have spent the past ten years attempting to become fluent in Spanish. I was the best student in all of my middle/ high school Spanish classes, so naturally, I was...
Why the Year 2017 Cinema Was The Best in The Decade
 Video Version of this Article Photo/Video: Hollywood Insider YouTube Channel The most recent decade was a standout one, with each year from ‘10-16 out doing the other before. 2010 produced Inception and The Social Network, 2014 slung one instant classic after...
Ratched Review: Netflix Flies Over The Cuckoo’s Nest in Ryan Murphy’s Sarah Paulson Starring Horror Story
Photo: ‘Ratched’/Netflix Ratched Review: Imagine yourself constrained in a brightly lit bluish room, clean sheets and towels folded to perfection, everything neatly in its place and everything still except for the baritone beating of your own heart. You...