‘Brother to Brother’: A Film that Evokes Poetic Questions about Historical Queerness-Blackness
Photo: ‘Brother to Brother’/Wolfe Releasing “He blew a cloud of smoke . . . it was growing dark now . . . and the smoke no longer had a ladder to climb … but soon the moon would rise and then he would clothe the silver moon in blue smoke garments...
River Phoenix: 32 Facts on the Phenomenal Hollywood Icon & Legendary Superstar | A Tribute
 Video Version of this Article Photo/Video: River Phoenix/Lance Staedler/Hollywood Insider YouTube Channel Hollywood Insider’s Tribute to River Phoenix River Phoenix – a superstar who took Hollywood by storm, lives on eternally through the beautiful gems...
Inspirational Kids TV Shows: Modern Parents can Trust Kids TV to be a Good Influence
Video Version of this Article Video: Hollywood Insider YouTube Channel Don’t Worry, Modern Parents can Trust That Their Kids Have had Good Influences… At Least In Terms of TV Inspirational Kids TV Shows: Modern parents have a lot to worry about, regarding their kids...
Javicia Leslie – The First Black Batwoman to Empower Young Black Girls & LGBTQ People
Photo: Javicia Leslie The CW’s Batwoman was renewed for a second season in January but following star Ruby Rose’s departure in May, many fans were left wondering who would take over the role, or if the show would even survive. Well, fans now have their answers as God...