‘Blink Twice’ (2024) is the psychological thriller written and directed by Zoë Kravitz, marking her directorial debut. The film explores complex and disturbing themes, such as manipulation, power dynamics and abuse. We follow a nail artist/ cocktail waitress named...
Chappell Roan is experiencing the most exhilarating year of her career, with her infectious songs taking over TikTok, chart-topping success on the Billboard charts, and sold-out tours across the U.S. and abroad. Chappell Roan has become a national cultural phenomenon...
‘Megalopolis’ has been a long time coming. Originally conceiving the idea decades ago, Francis Ford Coppola set out on a quest to tell a fable that maps the fall of Rome onto modern America, a cautionary tale about where we’ve been before and where we’re headed. After...
As one of Netflix’s standout hits, ‘Emily in Paris’ (2020-) enters its fourth season with a two-part format. Part I, released in August, set the stage for more drama, and Part II has just arrived, leaving fans eager to see if it finally resolves the love triangle...
Based on the book by best-selling author Elin Hilderbrand, ‘The Perfect Couple’ hit Netflix’s homepage this week to mixed responses from audiences and critics. It’s a beautiful production with a glitzy cast, a murder mystery set at an old money mansion in the hands of...
One of the greatest visionaries of the 20th Century; Walt Disney ushered his empire to heights that no other entity has been able to reach. His accomplishments exceed that of any normal man and while he had his dated flaws, he was always looking at ways to be...
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