Denzel Washington, a name synonymous with prestige and unmatched gravitas, has taken an unexpected but exciting turn by joining the cast of ‘Gladiator 2’. Known for portraying powerful characters in grounded, character-driven dramas, Washington’s transition into...
Harrison Ford has been well-known for his performances in his action-driven films such as playing Indiana Jones in the ‘Indiana Jones saga’ and Han Solo in the ‘Star Wars’ films. They have been two successful franchises that had given Harrison some other...
A Genre Too Big to Fail (So They Say) In 2022 alone so far, we’ve gotten Matt Reeves’s ‘The Batman,’ Sam Raimi’s ‘Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness,’ and of course (who can forget?) ‘Morbius.’ We’re not quite halfway into the year and we have three big-name...
Introduction With such stories as ‘The Shining’ and ‘Carrie’ under his belt, many associate the writer Stephen King with horror. From horror stories about killer clowns to thrillers about obsessive fans, Stephen King is considered by many as one of the masters of...
The Savoy Hotel is a five-star hotel located in London. This hotel is committed to crafting a uniquely British experience, as evidenced by the food offered and the style of architecture. Upon visiting their website, you can tell the uniqueness of their identity means...
Intro Love them or hate them, movie trailers are an integral part of the proper moviegoing experience. When you go to the movies, you can expect to see numerous trailers for upcoming films that are generally aimed at the same age range the movie you’re about to see...
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