‘My Hero Academia: You’re Next’ (2024) brings the explosive energy fans love while reflecting the evolving dynamics of the animation industry. Produced by Studio Bones and distributed by Toho, the film offers more than just heroic battles—it stands as an...
Hulu’s new Spanish-language series ‘La Máquina’ (2024) is a visually striking, dark dramedy that masterfully blends campy, over-the-top elements with moments of psychological tension. Set primarily in Mexico, the show follows an aging boxer and his crafty manager as...
Every year, there is a film that stands out from the rest. It isn’t occupied with fancy visual effects, grand stories, or even a showcase of artlike qualities. While these elements find their way into the film in subtle ways, ‘The Outrun’ (2024) manages to include an...
‘Average Joe’ (2024) tells the inspiring true story of a high school football coach who fought for his right to publicly express his religious beliefs, leading to a landmark Supreme Court case. Directed by Harold Cronk, known for the ‘God’s Not Dead’ franchise, the...
The most magical experience I’ve ever had watching a movie wasn’t in a regular movie theater. It used to be a movie theater, but today it’s the home of my hometown symphony: the beautiful Jacobs Music Center in downtown San Diego. Once a Fox Theatre movie palace,...
With ‘Smile 2,’ director Parker Finn returns to deliver another eerie and emotionally charged entry into what is quickly becoming a signature horror franchise. The film relies not only on jump-scares but also on a carefully cultivated atmosphere of dread,...
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